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Centos 7

The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tomcat Clustering - Session Replication

Tomcat Clustering - Session Replication

Web App Cart Tomcat Cluster - Session Replication 

Tomcat clustering with 2 instance on 2 webserver

How it Works

To make it easy to understand how clustering works, we are gonna to take you through a series of scenarios. In this scenario we only plan to use two tomcat instances TomcatA and TomcatB. We will cover the following sequence of events:

  1. TomcatA starts up
  2. TomcatB starts up (Wait the TomcatA start is complete)
  3. TomcatA receives a request, a session S1 is created.
  4. TomcatA crashes
  5. TomcatB receives a request for session S1
  6. TomcatA starts up
  7. TomcatA receives a request, invalidate is called on the session (S1)
  8. TomcatB receives a request, for a new session (S2)
  9. TomcatA The session S2 expires due to inactivity.

Manager Sticky Session

Check session manager tomcat - type primary and backup

Logs Session Replication - Listening for node worker 

Logs worker listening 

Session must keep with session name 48A7AF7AFFA96775AEEB6648EF82B2AC and just change name instance when crash 1 instance

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Tomcat Clustering - Multi-Instance Tomcat In 1 Server

Tomcat Clustering - Multi-Instance In 1 Server

Contact admin to see all video configuaration
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